Holy Redeemer Catholic school is funded by tuition, fundraising, gifts, Holy Redeemer parish, and other Catholic parishes whose children attend our school.
Tuition rate for our K-8 program is based on the category that your family fits: Holy Redeemer Parishioner or Non-Catholic. K-8 families can pay in a single payment and receive a 2% discount, or they can be billed 12 monthly tuition payments. This structure does not apply to our Preschool or Pre-K programs which is one rate for all families billed over 10 months. Please note that our preschool and Pre-K programs follow the K-8 school calendar, so there is no care provided during winter break, spring break, or summer break. The first month’s tuition is non-refundable.
Financial Assistance
Available for Kindergarten through 8th Grade
Every year we offer generous financial assistance to stay committed to our mission of making a Catholic education affordable and accessible to all. Financial assistance applications are managed and processed through F.A.C.T.S. to assist the school in determining a family’s financial need. Applications and the supporting documentation are due January 31st. We will accept applications after that date, but you may not be offered as much aid.
Employment Related Daycare Subsidy
Available for Preschool, Pre-K and Beyond the Classroom
Holy Redeemer Preschool/Pre-K and Beyond the Classroom programs have been approved by the Oregon Department of Human Services (DHS) to provide Employment Related Daycare (ERDC). For those families who meet eligibility requirements ERDC will pay all or a part of your childcare costs. Employment Related Day Care (ERDC) is a subsidy program. This means some families may still pay part of the child care cost. This is called a copayment (copay).
To see if you are eligible, click the link to see income limits and find out how to apply. If you already are eligible for ERDC let us know. You will also need to talk to DHS to let the know that Holy Redeemer Catholic school is your childcare provider. If you have any questions about this program, please contact Kim Zywicki at