Community Building
Pre-K beautifying our garden space for the community.
Observing and note taking on the classroom butterflies for their science unit on the caterpillar lifecycle.
The Arts
Learning musical instruments in our Music Class.
Early Childhood Program
Pre-School & Pre-Kindergarten
Holy Redeemer's Early Childhood Program encourages children to become creative community contributors, independent problem-solvers, and to grow together socially and emotionally as well as academically. In Pre-School and Pre-Kindergarten we learn to serve others and become more Christ-like through service learning and age appropriate religious instruction. Pre-School and Pre-Kindergarten both participate in a social and emotional curriculum.
Our EC program runs concurrently with the regular school year, starting in September and ending in June. Starting in Summer 2022, we will also offer summer camps for the rising Pre-K and Kindergarten students (4 and 5 year olds). The camp will begin June 27th and end August 12th. Families can sign up for individual weeks or register for the whole summer and save! Click the button at the bottom of the page to apply now.
Pre-School Class
The Pre-School Program is for children 3 years of age as of September 1st. We offer a half-day and a full-day program. Our Pre-School program provides a safe, nurturing space where children can create, use their imagination, make new friendships and grow socially and emotionally. This play-based model is a wonderful way to introduce your student to structure in a fun and cheerful environment.
Full-Day Program: Monday through Friday starting at 8:00 AM- 3:00 PM
Half-Day Program: Monday through Friday starting at 8:00 AM- 11:15 AM
Preschool Teacher: Guadalupe Torres -
Pre-School students participate weekly in visual arts, vocal music and physical education classes taught by Holy Redeemer Specials teachers.
Religious teaching is woven into the curriculum throughout the day through art, dramatic play, books, holidays, and music.
Building a social-emotional foundation is extremely beneficial at this developmental stage. Social-emotional learning at this age is learning how to recognize, label, and manage the student’s own emotions as well as recognizing our friend’s emotions and showing empathy.
We use the Mind and Heart curriculum as well as other social-emotional lessons. Interwoven in all lessons, social-emotional learning is practiced in a loving and supportive atmosphere.
Pre-Kindergarten Class
The Pre-Kindergarten Program is for students the age of 4 as of September 1st. We offer a half-day and a full-day program. Pre-Kindergarten’s curriculum is based on the Kindergarten Readiness Program from the Oregon Department of Education. The inclusion of Social-Emotional Learning and our extensive Arts program allows your child to enter Kindergarten with confidence.
Full-Day Program: Monday through Friday starting at 8:00 AM- 3:00 PM
Half-Day Program: Monday through Friday starting at 8:00 AM- 11:15 AM
Pre-Kindergarten Teacher: Molly Zywicki -
Pre-K students participate weekly in visual arts, vocal music, and physical education classes taught by Holy Redeemer Specials teachers.
Similar to our specials classes, Pre-K students receive weekly science lessons with their homeroom teacher. Science units focus on age-appropriate introduction to science concepts.
Pre-K participates in weekly mass with their buddies. Students have daily religion lessons as well cross-curricular studies practiced in their classroom.
Social-emotional learning in Pre-K is not only learning how to recognize, label, and manage our emotions, it is also about learning how to problem solve by identifying the problem, brainstorming ideas, and deciding which solution works the best. We also learn about consent, respecting other people's boundaries, and setting our own boundaries.
Pre-K is a Kindergarten readiness program with a focus on social-emotional growth. We use the Frenzy curriculum as well as other lessons to educate the whole child.
Our whole school community is made stronger through our buddy program. Younger students "buddy-up" with older students for attendance at mass, fun projects, and other school events.
Holy Redeemer Early Childhood Program is a Certified Child Care Center through Oregon Department of Education